Eye Dirt, Know the Causes and How to Safely Clean It

Eye droppings are often regarded as minor harmless disorders. Even though some eye dirt can cause infections and more serious problems, if handled in the wrong way. Understanding how to safely clean eye dirt is very important so you avoid these risks. Eye dirt must be cleaned properly because if left unchecked can pose a risk of eye irritation, especially if the amount of eye discharge is quite large and thick. Disorders that can occur such as difficulty opening the eyelids in the morning, watery eyes accompanied by itching, and vision problems. Causes the emergence of eye droppings Eye discharge is generally caused by objects from outside the body such as dust, sand, soil, gravel debris, to metal debris. When foreign objects enter, it can interfere with the cornea of ​​the eye. The cornea is a translucent part of the eye and is located at the front of the eye protecting parts of the eye such as the iris and pupil. Apart from external factors, eye discharge can also be caused by...